1. RESLY, your forms, PDF-generation and immediate on-spot signature with redirect

One common use-case is where You might want to collect some kind of information from your users (for example by letting them fill out a form on your webpage), generate PDF-document using that data, get it signed and redirect user back to your webpage.

Flow using our API could be as follows:

  1. Collect information from user on a webpage.
  2. Generate PDF-document on your server.
  3. Create Envelope.
  4. Attach generated PDF. Make sure to set awaitImageGeneration to true (String-value, form-data doesn't accept Booleans).
  5. Attach Signee. Set inviteMethod to ONSPOT.
  6. Publish Envelope.
  7. Envelope object returned from previous step contains publicSigningUrl property on every signee.
  8. If You want to redirect user back to your webpage after successfully signing the document, successRedirectUrl query param can be manually added to the publicSigningUrl. Value of the query needs to be URL-encoded. Final URL will look something like https://sign.resly.se/..../.../...?successRedirectUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fresly.se.
  9. Redirect user to the URL above.

...missing endpoints for your use-case?

Contact us and we could just help you out :)